Glenn Eshelman is an extraordinary photographer of earth, light, sky, and water. He is a visionary who sees, paints, and photographs mostly in a panoramic style. Glenn is passionate about life and the God who created all things. He seeks to capture the beauty and essence of every scene before him. As Elizabeth Barrett Browning has said, "Earth is crammed with heaven, and every common bush afire with God; But only he who sees, takes off his shoes." Glenn not only sees and takes off his shoes, but utilizes photography to inspire others and glorify God.

Glenn's favorite time to photograph is in the early morning. Long before the sun rises, he is set and ready to shoot. He visualizes the shot and waits for just the right moment. It is a quiet time as the sun awakens the world. It is a time to enjoy and meditate on what God has wonderously made.

A Lancaster County native, Glenn grew up in a farming family. He grew to love the land and all of God's creation.As a young boy, he had an artistic gift and began painting Lancaster county farms and landscapes, garnering awards as early as age 12. His initial foray into photography was to provide reference for his paintings. Photography soon captivated him and became his business.

Glenn became locally well-known for his photography, portrait as well as scenic. He was a sought-after photographer to document travels in the United States, Canada, and abroad. Many of these trips took him away for weeks at a time.

In 1965 Glenn began putting slide shows together from his journeys. These shows played to sold out audiences and were often held over. A small theatre was built outside of Strasburg, Pennsylvania. The Living Waters Theatre began in 1976 incorporating 28 projectors on an 80-foot panoramic stage. Soon fountains were added and live performers, and as Glenn began developing more shows, God began to lay out the path He planned for him.

As the founder and president of Sight & Sound Theatres®, Glenn Eshelman turned his attention to live theatre but never stopped photographing the world in which he lived and was inspired by. Currently, Sight & Sound, "Where the Bible comes to Life" consists of two theatres; each with a 300 foot wrap-around panoramic stage. One located in Pennsylvania and our newest theatre in Branson, Missouri.

Today Glenn shoots all of his pictures digitally, adding thousands of photographs annually to his personal archives numbering 80,000+. Whether you find Glenn at home on his Lancaster County farm, the open ranges of a Wyoming ranch, or a mountain in Colorado don’t be surprised to see a camera and tripod in his hand.

Glenn's belief that the most rewarding thing in life is to discover the purpose for which God has created you and to fulfill that purpose by glorifying God in everything you do!

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